Henning liebt Programmieren in hoher Qualität. Diese Leidenschaft lebt er als Coder, Coach und Consultant bei der WPS – Workplace Solutions aus. Dort hilft er Teams dabei, Ihre gewachsenen Monolithen zu strukturieren oder neue Systeme von Anfang an mit einer tragfähigen Architektur zu errichten. Häufig kommen dann Microservices oder Self-Contained Systems heraus.
Henning ist Autor von »Domain Storytelling – A Collaborative Modelling Method« und dem www.LeasingNinja.io sowie Übersetzer von »Domain-Driven Design kompakt«.
Rudolf ist Geschäftsführer bei makeit und hat dort den Consulting Bereich seit 2002 aufgebaut. Davor hat er als Customer Service Leiter der mobilkom austria AG viele Erfahrungen im Bereich Kunden- und Produktmanagement gewonnen, die er in seinen Trainings weiter vermittelt. Seit mehr als 3 Jahrzehnten unterstützt er Organisationen in der Professionalisierung von Projektmanagement Prozessen, der begleitenden Ausbildung und Vorbereitung auf Projektmanagement Zertifizierungen von Mitarbeitern, sowohl mit klassischen, Agilen als auch hybriden Ansätzen.
In den letzten Jahren hat er einige Digitalisierungsprojekte begleitet und unterstützt Organisationen bei agilen Transformationen mit speziellem Fokus auf Etablierung eines agilen Mindsets sowie der dazu erforderlichen Änderung der Unternehmenskultur.
Erno ist Gründer, Geschäftsführer und Managing Partner der DigitalWinners.
Er ist seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten ein Visionär, Vordenker und anerkannter Experte in den Bereichen Digitalisierung, Strategie, OKR, digitale Transformation und Innovation.
Durch seine aktiven Arbeitsaufenthalte im Silicon Valley hat er es geschafft neue Methoden und Ansätze sowie ein digitales Mindset auch bei europäischen Firmen erfolgreich einzuführen.
Mit seinem interdisziplinären Wissensmix aus Business, Produkt und Technologie – sowie Strategie, digitaler Transformation, Innovation, agiler Teamorganisation und digital Leadership – hat er die Art des Denkens und Handelns bei Unternehmen nachhaltig und zukunftsweisend verändert – als C-Level-Führungskraft, mehrfacher Startup Gründer, Unternehmensberater und Business Coach.
Er ist als Unternehmensberater, Keynote Speaker, Hochschuldozent und Autor tätig.
Zvonimir assists organizations on their transformation journeys in his role of an enterprise agile coach at TechTalk GmbH. He is passionate about Agile because he believes in people, their strengths, and innate resourcefulness. He firmly believes that people want to grow and excel in what they are doing and that creating an environment where people can self-organize and self-actualize is the primary responsibility of leaders on all levels. Since he first encountered Agile, he became deeply connected to agile values and principles (as stated in the manifesto for agile software development). In his opinion, they hold the key to understanding what Agile is all about.
Zvonimir has more than 16 years of experience in agile delivery, improving the value delivery capabilities of organizations and teams.
His journey to becoming an enterprise agile coach has had several stations where he gathered valuable experience in organizations as big as a few people and those with thousands of people. Working as a manager, he experienced firsthand the difference between management and leadership. And in addition, he realized that his passion lies in supporting the growth of people through his role as an agile coach.
As a project consultant and trainer in the agile and classic environment, Wuk mixes practical project experience with sound, theoretical knowledge to create a suitable, individual solution for companies. His fields of expertise are the implementation and optimization of agile solutions, the support of agile transformation and scaling projects, and coaching and consulting of specialists, executives, and Scrum / Kanban teams. Wuk is a certified SAFe® trainer (SPC) and works for KEGON AG.
Jenni works as a transformation advisor at Denmark-based goAgile. She is recognized for her work in change leadership and pragmatic Agile. Jenni integrates neuroscience concepts into her coaching, training and sparring with leaders at every level. In addition to having her certificate in NeuroLeadership, Jenni is also a certified Intent-Based Leadership® Practitioner, certified LEGO® Serious Play™ facilitator, and has numerous Agile certifications.
Jenni consults, writes and speaks worldwide about leadership, teams, and how to take advantage of how our brains function to get optimal thinking in the workplace. She is co-author of TOGETHER: How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done.
Dave is the founder and director of Continuous Delivery Ltd, he is a thought-leader in the field of Continuous Delivery, DevOps and Software Development in general.
He is co-author of the Jolt-award winning book ‚Continuous Delivery‘ a regular conference speaker and well known blogger.
Dave has also a YouTube channel with very useful videos, check it out.
At the age of ten Martin fell in love with coding. A few years later he left his love and studied business and law. But only to find out: that’s awesome knowledge for designing business software! In the more than 15 years since then he talked to energy traders, telecom people, wind tunnel experts and many others.
This collaboration formed a hands-on domain “decoder” with a passion for Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and a soft spot for colored sticky notes! Martin is a trainer with experience in 50+ companies and 10+ countries. He regularly speaks at meetups and conferences across Europe and from time to time in the US.
Emily is a Technical Agile Coach and long-term proponent of agile development practices like Test-Driven Development. She is a published author with Pluralsight and wrote „The Coding Dojo Handbook“ and recently a follow up book called „Technical Agile Coaching“.
Emily regularly speaks at conferences such as Craft, Agile Testing Days, ACCU, Europython and NDC. She is originally from the UK but now lives in Sweden.
Michael Zikes ist Software-Architekt, Trainer und Berater mit dem Schwerpunkt Angular im Umfeld von Geschäftsanwendungen. Er hat große Angular-Projekte im öffentlichen Bereich sowie in der Privatwirtschaft betreut und nutzt Angular bei der Produktentwicklung.
Als externer Dozent unterrichtet er dieses Thema auch an der berufsbegleitenden FH CAMPUS 02 in Graz. Der studierte Wirtschaftsinformatiker hat jahrelange Erfahrung im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung und mit der Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen.
Manfred Steyer (GDE) ist Architekt, Trainer und Berater mit dem Schwerpunkt Angular sowie Trusted Collaborator im Angular Team. Er hat Bücher bei O’Reilly, Microsoft Press und Hanser veröffentlicht. Er schreibt für Heise Online, windows.developer und das Java-Magazin und gibt sein Wissen regelmäßig auf Konferenzen weiter.
Früher war Manfred mehrere Jahre zunächst als Teamleiter im Bereich der Software-Entwicklung tätig. Danach war er einige Zeit als FH-Professor für die Koordination und Durchführung von Software-Engineering-Lehrveranstaltungen verantwortlich. Für seine Aktivitäten wurde er von Google als Developer Expert (GDE) und von Microsoft mit dem MVP-Award ausgezeichnet.
Underscored by the agile values and thinking, Robert has a pragmatic and undogmatic approach to improving software development – both the process itself and the product created. He coaches teams, is a sounding board for management, holds trainings, facilitates workshops and is creative and personable. He switches between the roles of consultant, coach and catalyst as the situation requires. Robert has introduced agility in many branches including telecommunications, banking, insurance, government and automotive.
Richard gained experience as a software engineer, software architect, scrum master, product owner, project manager, team leader and head of a solution center for enterprise software development. In recent years, his focus has shifted to consulting and training in methods such as Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®), Kanban and Agile Requirements Engineering.
J. B. Rainsberger helps software companies better satisfy their customers and the business that they support. He travels the world sharing what he’s learned about programming, managing his workload, and designing his lifestyle.
He spends a lot of his professional time helping programmers do good work with less stress. Not only does he consult with and train for companies, he also provides personalized one-on-one coaching and online training.
Geprägt von den agilen Werten und Denkweisen hat Robert (TechTalk) einen pragmatischen und undogmatischen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Softwareentwicklung – sowohl des Prozesses selbst als auch des entwickelten Produkts.
Kurt (KEGON) arbeitete 40 Jahre lang als Software-Ingenieur bei verschiedenen Software-Herstellern. Die letzten 10 Jahre hat er agile Transitionen bei Audi, BMW, Bosch, Conti, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Bahn, CompuGroup Medical, CosmosDirekt, Generali, GfK, Roche, Schufa, SAG, Siemens, SAP und Société Générale vorangetrieben.
Nach seinem Studium an der Technischen Universität Wien, sammelte Richard Erfahrungen als Software-Ingenieur, Software-Architekt, Scrum-Master, Product Owner, Projektleiter, Teamleiter und Leiter eines Solution Centers für Enterprise Software Development. In den letzten Jahren hat sich sein Schwerpunkt auf die Beratung und Schulung in Methoden wie Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®), Kanban und Agile Requirements Engineering verlagert.
Joakim Sundén is a consultant with Crisp, helping leaders and organizations to improve the world of work. Between 2011 and 2017 Joakim worked at Spotify, where he worked together with the CTO and other leaders to develop and introduce concepts like tribes, squads, chapters, and guilds, aka “The Spotify Model” of Agile at scale. During the last 6 years of Spotify’s hyper growth he worked with a half dozen different leadership teams and dozens of delivery teams in Stockholm, San Francisco, New York and Boston, to help them continuously improve their software delivery. In his work Joakim often draws on his experience from Lean and Agile methods and Systems and Complexity thinking. He is also the author of Kanban in Action (Manning, 2014).
Gojko Adzic is a strategic software delivery consultant who works with ambitious teams to improve the quality of their software products and processes. He specialises in agile and lean quality improvement, in particular agile testing, specification by example and behaviour driven development.
TechTalk has a longstanding partnership with Gojko. We have been working with Gojko as a trainer and conference speaker over many years. He is also a guest speaker at our Agile Tour Vienna conference every year.
Gojko’s book Specification by Example was awarded the #2 spot on the top 100 agile books for 2012 and won the Jolt Award for the best book of 2012. In 2011, he was voted by peers as the most influential agile testing professional, and his blog won the UK agile award for the best online publication in 2010.
Mitch is an agile practitioner and trainer. Mitch has been managing projects for over fifteen years & is credited with many plan-driven & agile projects. He is the author of “The Scrum Field Guide”, a book targeting teams adopting Agile and Scrum practices.
TechTalk has a longstanding partnership with Mitch. Those who know us know that we have been working with Mitch as a trainer and conference speaker for over 10 years.
As a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), PMI Project Management Professional (PMP®) and Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP®), Mitch shares his experience in project and client management through Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum courses, agile coaching engagements, conference presentations, blogs & white papers.